Monday, November 15, 2010

Confused :(

Im having the worst dilemma about whether or not to switch hospitals, or if i even CAN switch.

My current hospital hasn't given me much faith that things can be okay, so i was thinking about switching over to Boston Children's Hospital. i have heard amazing things about it. my issue is that i live 4hrs away :( how do i pull that off, I'm not even sure my insurance covers me over there...

I don't want to seem defeated but i deff. am having such  a hard time..  :( im going to set up an appointment to talk to somebody from the hospital at Boston to see what they say, or what can be done..

why cant things get easier... :( Lord give me a little more strength


  1. Hi Carlen! I'm so glad you found our blog! I just read through and caught up on your story. First, I want to tell you that I know how scary this all is- I know how overwhelming it can all be. I also want you to know that you have more power than you think you do. If you want to switch hospitals because you are not comfortable then you CAN do it and you should if you feel unsure about it. This is a hard road in the beginning and you are going to need to be able to trust these people with the most important thing in the world- your babys life. You need to be where you feel comfortable. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. If you have any questions, please ask! There are many many many other families out there living this journey. It is hard, but overall, it's easier than I ever imagined it would be. Your baby can live a very normal life with HLHS and so can you, as a heart parent. :)
    (((heart hugs)))

  2. Hi Carlen! I just read through your blog and I'm so sorry to hear about Samuel, but keep up your hope and faith. Dealing with CHD is a hard road, but it is very treatable for kiddos these days. I agree with what Jenny said above; you want to be in a place where you feel comfortable and with Doctors that you trust your baby's life with. My story ended much differently that I ever imagined or would have liked, but I too walked the heart journey with my son. Please let me know if you have any questions...I'd be happy to share any knowledge or information that may help.
    Hugs and prayers to you, your family and sweet Samuel :)

  3. Both of you ladies stories really touch my heart.. reading through your blogs and other moms blogs give me hope and it also lets me know that i have someone to talk to no matter what the situation.. Thank you guys for your kind words, god bless you both
